Pixia Forum A place to discuss pixia, ask for help, ect. I'm frequently on.

Anatomy Resources Scans of books by Andrew Loomis, anime and cartoon model sheets, and more. Says it's for 3d but is really perfect for anyone into art.

Pixelation Forum Focuses on pixel art for games. If you are working on a 2d game this place is perfect.

Email all comments and suggestions to Sheryl

Takumi, the mascot girl who represents Pixia, illustrated by MONAMI

Special thanks to Tiry for the wonderful logo.


Sunday, September 8 - Hey look my first tutorial is finally up! And a few other updates. I eliminated the individual language sections because their aren't enough. Instead there is one non-english section where those tutorials will be listed.

Monday, August 12 - The site is officially up and running.